Our Terms and Conditions, of MY Rooms (Thailand) Limited Partnership, are explained. The letter MY are registered in Thai two separate English letters “M” “Y” the last letter is pronounced in English as “why”. We are not (yet) a member of the travel association, but strive for the same standards and values for all of its customers.
Booking conditions
Article 1 Definitions
Article 2 The assignment in general
Article 3 The reservation order
Article 4 Payments
Article 5 Liability
Article 6 Documents
Article 7 Interest and collection costs
Article 8 Complaints
Article 9 Disputes
MY Rooms Thailand, the “MY Rooms” booking agency, is a service provider in the field of holiday accommodation reservations in Thailand. The service provision consists of informing, advising and reserving. Our booking office provides these services on your behalf. The booking conditions apply to all forms of service. There are a few exceptions to this.
MY Rooms makes reservations for you. An agreement will then be concluded between you and the service provider you have chosen. MY Rooms is not responsible for the correct execution of the services reserved through it, but it is responsible for the careful execution of the services it provides itself, such as for correct advice and the correct handling of the reservation and payment. You are responsible for providing the correct information. This concerns, for example, providing the correct personal data and arrival time. You are responsible for the correct travel documents such as passport, visa and vaccination certificates.
Article 1 Definitions
1.1 The reservation order:
The assignment includes the agreement between the traveler and MY Rooms, whereby MY Rooms undertakes to provide services to the traveler.
1.2 MY Rooms Thailand:
The person who, in the course of his business, advises, informs and mediates in the formation of travel and accommodation agreements in Thailand.
1.3 Service provider:
The carrier, accommodation provider and / or other service providers in the field of travel in Thailand, in the broadest sense of the word, with whom the traveler enters into an agreement and who, subject to the applicable conditions, is responsible for the execution of the service .
1.4 Traveler:
a. The client (notifier), or
b. the person for whom the services provided by MY Rooms have been stipulated and who has accepted that stipulation.
1.5 Working Days:
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., excluding recognized holidays. MY Rooms is also available via mobile phones and the Internet outside of these working hours.
Article 2 The assignment in general
2.1 The content of the assignment may include informing and advising the traveler, as well as reserving the services he requires for the benefit of the traveler if possible.
2.2 The client is bound towards MY Rooms and the service provider after the order has been issued, irrespective of whether a confirmation is provided immediately. If a fee is payable for a service from MY Rooms, MY Rooms will announce this in advance.
2.3 When booking via the internet, MY Rooms sets up the booking process in such a way that the traveler is informed before acceptance that he is entering into an agreement. The traveler is bound by this agreement by confirming the booking by MY Rooms.
2.4 The (order) confirmation can generally be given directly to the client, in which case this confirmation serves as proof for the agreement described in the confirmation.
2.5 In the event that the order confirmation cannot be given immediately and is sent by MY Rooms, the client can lodge a complaint within two working days of receipt, failing which the confirmation serves as proof of the existence and content of the agreement. This does not affect the ability of the client to provide proof to the contrary.
2.6 The client is fully liable both to MY Rooms and to the service provider for the obligations arising from the services provided by MY Rooms. The other travelers are liable for their share.
Article 3 The reservation order
3.1 The client will provide MY Rooms with the necessary information about itself and the (possible) other traveler (s) for concluding the agreement and its implementation.
3.1 The client will provide MY Rooms with the necessary information about itself and the (possible) other traveler (s) for concluding the agreement and its implementation.
3.2 The prices of reserved services can be changed in accordance with the conditions of the service provider. These changes will be passed on and passed on as soon as possible.
3.3 Any cancellations of, or changes to, the assignment (s) issued can only take place on working days and only at the request of the client. If at the request of the client a cancellation takes place or changes are made to the reservations already made, the costs involved will be charged. In addition to the cancellation or change costs charged by the service provider, these may also be the costs MY Rooms must incur to effect the cancellation or change.
The following guidelines are used when canceling the trip:
– if canceled up to the 42nd day (exclusive) before the day of departure: the deposit;
– cancellation from the 42nd day (inclusive) up to the 28th day (exclusive) before the day of departure: 35% of the total travel sum;
– cancellation from the 28th day (inclusive) to the 21st day (exclusive) before the day of departure: 40% of the total travel sum;
– cancellation from the 21st day (inclusive) up to the 14th day (exclusive) before the day of departure: 50% of the total travel sum;
– cancellation from the 14th day (inclusive) up to the 5th day (exclusive) before the day of departure: 75% of the total travel sum;
– if canceled from the 5th day (inclusive) until the day of departure: 90% of the total travel sum;
– if canceled on the day of departure or later: the full travel sum
3.4. Cancellations in advance of the departure date following any negative travel advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, does not primarily apply as a valid reason for canceling, in Article 3.3. conditions used are then applied. MY Rooms will do its utmost to attempt to change flights and / or accommodation as well as transfers to another time or, if possible, to cancel in consultation. However, no guarantee can be given for this.
3.5. For canceling the booked holiday trip, the same conditions apply as stated in 3.3 and 3.4, regardless of the reason for this.
3.5. All communications from MY Rooms or service provider will be addressed exclusively to the client.
Article 4 Payments
4.1 The amounts due must be paid to MY Rooms within the period specified by MY Rooms. MY Rooms is authorized – if necessary in the name and for the account of the relevant service provider (s) – to collect the amounts due.
4.2 MY Rooms will require a down payment when giving the order (s), which in any case will not be much higher than in accordance with the terms and conditions of the service provider (s) involved.
4.3 The remainder of the owed must have been received by MY Rooms at the latest on the date stated in the confirmation or invoice. In the event of any deviations between confirmation and invoice, the confirmation applies.
4.4 If the (advance) payment is not made or not made on time, the traveler will be in default and the agreements will be deemed to have been canceled, unless the conditions of the (possibly) involved service provider (s) prescribe otherwise. MY Rooms then has the right to charge the costs as referred to in Article 3.3 or to deduct them from the deposit (s) received.
4.5 Possible refunds are made exclusively to the client.
Article 5 Liability
5.1 MY Rooms will have to take the care of a good contractor into account in its work.
5.2 If MY Rooms provides services (including advice / information) that lead to the conclusion of a package travel agreement to which the Travel Conditions apply, only these Travel Conditions apply, also insofar as it concerns the liability of MY Rooms. The responsibility for handling complaints about services provided by MY Rooms rests in that case with the travel organizer.
5.3 Without prejudice to the foregoing, MY Rooms accepts no liability for acts and / or negligence of the service provider (s) involved, nor for the accuracy of the information provided by this service provider (s). MY Rooms is not responsible for incorrectly issued prices, photos, brochures, advertisements, websites and other information carriers, if prepared or issued under the responsibility of third parties.
5.4 Insofar as MY Rooms itself is accountably inadequate and the traveler suffers damage as a result (including damage due to lost travel pleasure), MY Rooms’ liability is limited to a maximum of 25% of the invoiced services.
5.6 Liability for damage against which the traveler is insured (for example by taking out travel and / or cancellation insurance or health insurance), as well as liability for damage suffered by the traveler in the context of the exercise of a profession or business ( including damage due to missing connections or not arriving on time at the place of destination) are excluded.
5.7 MY Rooms is not responsible for any promises made by its staff and / or third parties, whereby the conditions stated in these conditions or in the conditions of the responsible service provider are noticeably deviated from.
5.8 The exclusions and limitations of liability included in this article also apply to the staff of MY Rooms and / or the third party engaged by them.
Article 6 Documents
6.1 At the latest at the conclusion of the agreement, MY Rooms will provide general information about passports, visas and any health formalities, tailored to Dutch nationality, to the traveler.
6.2 The traveler himself is responsible for obtaining the necessary additional information from the authorities involved and also to check in good time before departure whether the information previously obtained has not changed in the meantime.
6.3 If the traveler cannot make the trip (in full) due to the absence of any (valid) document, this will be for his account with all the associated consequences, unless MY Rooms has promised to take care of that document and the lack thereof can provide be attributed whether MY Rooms has failed in its information obligation as referred to in the previous paragraph.
6.4 The traveler is responsible for carrying the necessary documents, such as a passport that meets all validity requirements, or, where permitted, an identity card and any required visas, proof of vaccinations and vaccinations and a driver’s license.
6.5 Information will be provided by or on behalf of MY Rooms about the possibility of taking out cancellation insurance and travel insurance.
Article 7 Interest and collection costs
7.1 The traveler who has not fulfilled the financial obligation to MY Rooms in a timely manner will owe statutory interest on the amount still due, unless the conditions of the service provider in question prescribe a higher interest rate.
7.2 Furthermore, the traveler is obliged to pay extrajudicial collection costs equal to 15% of the claimed, unless this amount, taking into account the collection activities and the amount due, is unfair.
Article 8 Complaints
8.1 Complaints about a reservation made by MY Rooms, resp. about advice and information provided by MY Rooms, can be submitted to MY Rooms up to one month after the end of the reserved service or, if the trip has not taken place, up to one month after the original departure date mentioned in the travel documents.
8.2 MY Rooms will provide a substantive response in writing no later than one month after receiving the complaint. If this period is not met, the period from art. 8 paragraph 1 extended by one month. If the response from MY Rooms is delayed for more than two months, the period from art. 8 paragraph 1 extended by two months.
8.3. If there is a further exceeding of time by MY Rooms, as a result of which MY Rooms’ response time is exceeded by more than three months, the Disputes Committee may decide to handle the dispute in question. The Commission only deals with complaints from natural persons who do not act in the course of a profession or business (see also Article 9, NB)
Article 9 Disputes
MY Rooms has an ongoing application to join the Travel Disputes Committee. Among other things, the following provisions must be included to make a claim to join this committee. Until actual accession, it is not possible to assign disputes to this committee.
9.1 If the complaint is not resolved satisfactorily in time, or if no satisfaction is provided, the traveler may do so no later than three months after the end of the reserved service (or, if the trip has not taken place, three months after the original departure date) submit the complaint to the Travel Disputes Committee, Postbus 90600, 2509 LP in The Hague (https://www.sgc.nl/).
9.2 Dutch law applies to the agreements concluded, amended or supplemented on the basis of these Booking Conditions, unless other law applies on the basis of mandatory rules.
9.3 Only a Dutch court or the Disputes Committee hereafter referred to is authorized to take cognizance of these disputes, unless another court is competent on the basis of mandatory rules.
9.4 The Disputes Committee makes a decision under the conditions laid down in the relevant regulations. The decision of the Disputes Committee takes the form of a binding advice from the parties. A fee is payable for handling disputes.
9.5 The traveler who does not wish to make use of this binding advice procedure has the right to apply to the competent court.
9.6 Each claim right expires one year after the end of the reserved service (or, if the trip has not taken place, one year after the original departure date), or if the complaint relates to the services provided by MY Rooms one year after this service.