Cha-am after the strom


<img class=”wp-image-3799 ” src=”×450.jpg” alt=”storm in Cha-am” width=”300″ height=”225″ /> Cha-am after the strom [/caption]

Dear readers,

The dry and sunny winter season is right at the door here in Cha-am, but over the past 3 days and nights the rainy season has shown its face. The hurricane that came from the Philippines via Vietnam has visited three provinces in Thailand: Petchaburi, Phrachuap Khirikan and Chompon. The damage, in Cha-am, was mainly to houses and the boulevard. Trees that have been blown down have destroyed various houses and restaurants and the boulevard was littered with flooded sandbags, branches and other waste. Today there was much less to see and in a week we will probably have forgotten it again because here is the nice news about excursions and holiday accommodation in Thailand.



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